In this paper, considering various properties possessed by the class of consistent sets of wffs in first order logic system, we generalize the concept of abstract consistency class into the most general form-universal abstract consistency class, and further prove its universal unifying principle. 通过考察协调合式公式集类所具有的种种性质,本文将抽象协调类概念推广至最一般的形式&广义抽象协调类,并证明了相应的广义合一原理。
The two value weak model for first order logic with generalized quantifier Q is generalized to be valued in complete weak complemented lattices. 将带广义量词Q的一阶逻辑的二值弱模型推广到取值于完备弱可补格上。
Because the first order logic can characterize the computational semantics of a software component, it has become an important research direction in software engineering domain to use first order logic to represent a component and to use resolution based automatic theorem proving technology to retrieve it. 由于一阶逻辑能够描述软件构件的计算语义,因此用一阶逻辑表示构件及用基于归结原理的自动定理证明技术检索构件的研究在软件工程领域得到了足够的重视。
This article presents a new kind of temporal logic& first order interval temporal logic ( FOITL). It is first order logic augmented by interval operator in which there is no explicit reference point about time. 提出一种新的时态逻辑&一阶间隔时态逻辑(FOITL),它是扩充了间隔时间算子的一阶时态逻辑。
It is well known that the determinant problem in classic proposition logic is a NP complete problem, and the first order logic is a half determinant one. So both the analysis of computing complexity and the realization of it are the most important fields. 众所周知,经典命题逻辑中的判定问题是NP完全问题,而一阶逻辑是半可判定问题,关于非经典逻辑特别是非单调逻辑的计算复杂性分析和算法实现是一个重要的研究领域。
At the base of first order predicate logic this paper construct a strategy logic reasoning machine model, and discuss the correctness of this model. 在谓词逻辑的基础上构造了一个基于策略逻辑的推理机模型,并对模型的正确性做了讨论。
The present paper covers the application of RUE-NRF resolution to a set of generalized clauses by proposing a generalized RUE-NRF resolution method, and a proof of the completeness of this method in first order logic. 本文将RUE-NRF归结使用在广义子句集上,提出了广义RUE-NRF归结方法,并证明了这一方法对于一阶逻辑的完备性;
In this knowledge base system model, we adopt both first order predicate logic ( FOPL) and case knowledge representation modes to represent the knowledge. 在本知识库系统模型中,知识表示采用一阶谓词(SDSS)逻辑和案例两者相结合的方式。
Based on fuzzy formal deduction system, some concepts of fuzzy first-order logic are introduced. 本文在模糊命题逻辑演绎系统的基础上,引入了模糊意义下的一阶逻辑的相关概念,建立了模糊一阶(谓词)逻辑的准形式演绎系统。
Context fusion operation is used to implement concrete context processing, and this paper uses context knowledge share and logic inference to implement it, logic inference combines first order logic and description logic. 上下文融合操作用于实现具体的上下文处理,本文使用了上下文知识共享结合逻辑推理的方法来实现,逻辑推理结合了一阶逻辑和描述逻辑。
The Independence of the First Order Logic System 一阶谓词系统的独立性
Proving Several Theorems in First Order Logic Based on Back-and-Forth Method 向前向后法证明一阶逻辑的几个定理
Implementation of first order logic model generation 一阶逻辑模型生成器的实现
This result can be used to prove the completeness theorems of first order logic system and the universal refutation method proposed by us. 这一结果可以用于证明一阶逻辑形式系统和我们所提出的广义反驳方法的完备性。
Debugging for a first order logic knowledge base 一阶逻辑知识库的检测
Based on a kind of multi-sorted first order logic, the language CML is used to specify system models conceptually, and the analyser CMA is followed to check their static consistency and dynamic temporal. 基于多类一阶逻辑设计的概念模型语言CML可用来描述系统模型,并可用CMA对模型描述进行静态一致性和动态时序特性的检查。
Local Search Methods for Constraint Solving in First Order Logic 一阶逻辑中约束求解的局部搜索法
Interpolation theorem and preservation theorem in first order logic have determined the existence of first order formula in accordance with certain conditions, their proofs in classical model theory are fairly long and hard to tackle. 一阶逻辑的内插定理和保持定理确定了符合某些条件的公式的存在性,经典模型论中对这些的证明较为繁难。
Systems of first order temporal logic and an application to programs 一阶时态逻辑系统及其在程序中的一个应用
This article covers expressive power of modal logic and μ-calculus, and their game semantics. We also give game semantics of first order logic and monadic second order logic, then we use bisimulation as a core concept to relate these logic- 本文首先讨论了模态逻辑与μ算子的表达能力、博弈语义,给出一阶逻辑与Monadic二阶逻辑的博弈形式,然后讨论互模拟等价在这些逻辑表达能力的核心作用和这些逻辑之间的关系。
The representation of first order predicate logic is adopted to describe the requirement unit in formalization. 采用一阶谓词逻辑知识表示方法对需求元进行形式化描述;
That it is not the real basic first-order logic. IF一阶逻辑不是真正基本的一阶逻辑。
For that regularization knowledge we use first order predicate logic; 针对一些规则性的知识通过一阶谓词逻辑进行形式化;
The conditional evaluation of first order logic expressions partially assigned& np-completeness and the solutions in special situations 部分赋值一阶逻辑公式的条件求值&NP完全性及在特定情况下的求解
It becomes the semantic base of classical logic and the extensive application and practice of sentence centralization expressed by the first order language in scientific area; at the same time, the definition itself is a mirror of analyzing conception by applying the first order logic. 其定义既成为经典逻辑的语义学基础,广泛应用与能用一阶语言所表达的科学领域中的句子集中,同时定义本身也是运用一阶逻辑对概念进行分析的典范。
By comparing of different architecture description language ( ADL), it show the way to depict the component, the connector and the software architecture using abstract algebra and first order logic. 首先对不同的软件体系结构描述语言(ADL)进行分析,找出软件体系结构的共性。
This paper put forward a possible method about the non-revision in the first order logic. 本文提出信念非修正理论在一阶逻辑中一种新的可能的实现方法。
Moreover, the semantics of the used languages for expressing the domain knowledge is formally defined in a non-ambiguous and well-understood manner, e.g. in form of some variant of First Order Logic. 此外,使用语言的语义以非含糊和易于理解的方式表达领域知识的正式定义,如在一阶逻辑的某些变体形式。
Markov Logic Networks combines First Order Logic and Probability Graphic Model in order to obtain model of likelihood in relational databases. 马尔科夫逻辑网络是将一阶谓词逻辑与概率图模型相结合,以获取关系数据中的似然模型。
Combination of first order predicate logic, with object-oriented method, expressed demand for information. 结合一阶谓词逻辑,采用面向对象的方法,表述了其需求信息。